"For the 2011 Focus Conference, all attendees will be able to bring their significant other totally free of charge - something no other conference offers" Bob Miglino RRT, MPS, Conference Chairman David Pelzer. We're going all-out to make the 11th Annual Focus Conference our best yet; one that will combine a superb educational experience with an incredible entertainment experience. The finest speakers and huge doses of fun, all of which is included in a very reasonable registration fee. And this year, all attendees of the Focus Conference may bring their significant-other to the conference totally free of charge, something no other conference offers (no CEUs for this person however). Join the 30,000+ respiratory therapists and sleep technologists whohave already experienced a FOCUS conference and called it"an outstanding conference" and "a super value". For 2011, we've expanded our lecture offerings yet again. In fact, there will be over 100 lectures and 4 early-bird breakfast workshops that will impart the very latest information in Adult, Pediatric and Neonatal Respiratory Care, as well as in Clinical Sleep Medicine, The Business of Sleep, Management, Patient Education, Pulmonary Function Testing, Homecare, Pulmonary Rehabilitation and more - a well-rounded agenda with something for everyone. All lectures will be presented by the country's top pulmonary and sleep MD's, and by Masters and PhD prepared Therapists and Sleep Technologists.Respiratory Therapists and Sleep Technologists will be able to obtain 20-22 continuing education credits at this conference.
2011-03-24, 00:00:00
92108 San Diego, United States of America